Kitty & Company will be conducting a series of short interviews with local Chelsea Residents for 52 weeks in order to appreciate differing personalities and design thoughts in our community. Perhaps you will meet someone new through these weekly interviews or perhaps it will be YOU! Stay tuned and follow us each week – we look forward to introducing you to the finesse of 52 Chelsea individuals. Up first, yours truly…..
1. What is your profession and for how long? I just started year 30 of my interior design career, having worked in both commercial and residential design. I worked for other companies for 16 of those years and have owned my own business for the balance.
2. Your family members: Husband – Tom and we have four sons (Tommy – in the Air Force/ Sam – senior at NMU / Daniel – senior at CHS/ Grayson – sophomore at CHS)
3. People think of me as SERIOUS but really I am SILLY.
4. When did you move to Chelsea? Where did you live before moving to Chelsea? July, 2003 – and we lived on the West side of Ann Arbor prior to moving to Chelsea. I am originally from the Cincinnati, Ohio area.
5. What do you love about where you currently live? I love the view of woods and fields – and we get the BEST rainbows ever!
6. If you could have a second home anywhere, where would it be? Definitely Italy!!
7. What three words describe your style? Eclectic Natural Playful
8. What is one trend in design you do not like? TRENDS!!
9. Have you ever built a new home or remodeled an existing one? Yes, my husband and I remodeled our 1928 Tudor home in Ann Arbor. I love working in older homes – they have so many interesting details.
10. If you were moving and could only pick one item from your home to keep, which would it be and why? (I’m cheating and giving two answers- it’s hard to choose!) Furniture – Great Granny’s glass front bookcase that my husband refinished and we have owned since we were married. Item– The Bible my Dad gave me.
11. No room is complete without An animal print!
12. What items(s) do you love to shop for? I love so many of the items that we select to put into a home, but tiles and fabrics come to mind first, as they can make or break the look of the furniture piece or accessory or the surface on which the tile is being installed.
A few of your favorite things:
Movie: The Princess Bride (ranks pretty high on my list)
Favorite Historical Place you’ve visited: The Pyramids in Eygpt
Scent:The Forest after a rainstorm
Song, Artist or Style of Music: Selah- the musical Group and also Classical Music
Meal: Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern Food
Travel Destination on your bucket list: Macchu Picchu in Peru.
Things to collect: Antique Furniture
Color: Orange – warmth!!
Dogs, Cats or Other? BOTH! (plus chickens! And hopefully goats some day!)